ana's top 10 wasers
Content Warning: The following content includes blatant discussion of rape/non-con. Read at your own risk.
"What if Ken was...?" became a euphemism for Ken being non-conned because it's TOO DAMN H0RNY to actually say The Word out loud, with the perpetrators being called wasers.
Ken's position in the plot makes it so that all the baddies that appear in Digimon Adventure 02 want to use him for one reason or another, often using his physical body and/or the Dark Seed inside him — a fact with makes it incredibly easy to take things one step further than they go in the show.
If you've even glanced at my AO3 profile, you're more than aware how I feel about this whole scenario, so without further ado...

Counting down, here are my favorite baddies to non-con Ken:
honorable mentions
Yes, I know this is basically a copout so I can mention ALL THE OPTIONS and not just limit it to ten characters, buuuut I don't care.
Ken's principal

This fucker OBVIOUSLY wants to touch this pretty little boy. If he really wanted a tutor for his "daughter," he wouldn't lean in like that and whisper it in Ken's ear. And what exactly is this "appropriate reward," huh??
In my fic teacher's pet, set during episode 25, this dude offers his office as "safe" place for Ken to do his schoolwork.
Dark Seed kids

These children have to be fucking drugged to be as insanely creepy as they are BEFORE Oikawa gives them the Dark Seed. Seriously, what the fuck? It's insane how creepy they are, and it only gets worse after the Seeds get implanted.
The first chapter of activation has a little bit of the kids touching Ken while he's on the floor of the truck. Pretty happy with it.
Random OCs
Seriously, there's such a wide range of options here, and some of them are things that are Very Horny and some of them are just...meh. I'm not super big on OCs, but there are definitely some scenarios that I can get behind. OC humans are much more interesting to me than OC Digimon - probably because it's a lot more work to come up with a Reason for the Digimon to want to do sexy non-con things to Ken specifically, when all you need for a human OC to wanna touch him is...Ken pretty.
(As a note: I would consider characters so minor that they have no dialogue or names to be OCs, even if they technically exist in canon. Even Ken's elementary school teacher is verging on this category, but he has too many lines to really fit it properly.)
My fic never let you go is basically an exploration of my headcanon that old dudes hit on Ken regularly and he's just Used To It, but Daisuke is super pissed when he realizes this is something Ken experiences in his day-to-day life.
Outside of that, I've written scenarios where Ken is non-conned by his college professor and where random Digimon underlings play with him as part of a punishment, even where a Petaldramon non-cons Ken (and Daisuke) to "help" after feeding them sex pollen berries.
BUT the best version of the OC non-cons Ken scenario is 100% Okikage's The Prices You Pay, in which Ken's soccer teammates gang bang him as retribution for him treating them like shit and then disappearing and suddenly sucking at soccer (in comparison) when he gets back and DEAR GOD THIS IS THE FIC I READ OVER AND OVER AND IT'S PERFECT I LOVE IT GAAAAHHALKDFJLSDFKJD
#10: digimon kaiser

Okay, when your evil video game avatar takes on its own form and touches you...very sexy. Non-con self-cest is such a great concept.
Probably the only reason I'm not more into this is because I don't have any particular plot bunnies for how this would work and I haven't read enough of it to be really Into It. I want to like it more, but we'll see.
#9: devimon

When the Digimon Kaiser goes into the dark whirlpool where File Island once was to retrieve Devimon's soul, he starts hearing the voice of Darkness in his head - Devimon's voice - and it continues to plague him for the next two episodes before he gives up his Kaiser persona and returns to being just Ken-chan. This voice and the visions he has become a huge part of Ken's breakdown in his final hours as the Digimon Kaiser, and while Devimon is just the ghost of an evil Digimon, that only adds to the creepy factor.
Okikage's beautiful fic In Our Bedroom After the War features Devimon touching Ken in one of his nightmares and it is fucking brilliant. Highly recommend.
#8: dark gennai

We all know tri. is absolutely terrible in basically every way BUT that also means there a lot of potential for ways to make it better — and one of those ways is making Dark Gennai touch Ken in order to impersonate him. This dude is so creepy and insane, and you know he likes to play with his food. so just. LET HIM.
I explored this a tiny bit in my fic a lovely visage as an explanation for Dark Gennai's use of Ken's Digimon Kaiser avatar and of an Imperialdramon copy, but I wanna play with it more now that I'm more comfortable writing non-con.
#7: chimeramon

Chimeramon was designed to be the Digimon Kaiser's "perfect partner," but Chimeramon is a synthetic monster who answers to no man - and since he makes up one half of Millenniumon (and Ken created Chimeramon under the influence of Millenniumon's Dark Seed), he wasn't even the one who really designed the creature. Chimeramon's soul desire is destruction and, if it has the capacity for strategic thought, the recreation of Millenniumon. It would probably require the Dark Seed in the back of Ken's neck to do that though...
I don't think I've ever encountered a fic where Chimeramon non-cons Ken, which is a real shame honestly, but there are some very horny prompts that I 100% did not post at all on the kink meme that have me foaming at the mouth.
#6: ken's nightmares

Look. Ken has nightmares about his past CANONICALLY and it's great and he should have WORSE nightmares to fulfill my dreams of traumatizing him. The best thing about the dreams is, there's so many different directions it can be taken and so many villains that can be used because nightmares can be ANYTHING.
I've used this so many times, but probably the ones I like the most is i kinda think that we won't get better, where Ken is trapped in his own dreams and forced into a world where he never became a Chosen Child. I also highly recommend Okikage's In Our Bedroom After the War (mentioned earlier), in which Daisuke becomes privy to Ken's non-con's perfect.
#5: demon

I honestly don't know how Demon is so low on this list because this is a TOP FUCKING TIER WASER (tbf they're all really good and that makes this list super fucking hard), especially with all the content in episodes 43-45.

He, like so many others, wants the Dark Seed inside Ken and he has a bunch of sexy underlings to help him - they get defeated, sure, but like. what if they didn't? lol - and did I mention he wants the Dark Seed embedded inside Ken's body?? Because that's horny af. And he wants Ken to give himself up WILLINGLY? WTF?? WHYYYY?? Why does he need Ken to be a willing participant in this? Why can't he just kidnap him from his bedroom like you know he could? Then, no one would have any idea what happened to him and Demon could do whatever he wants to him and yet...AND YET!!
Several of my nightmare fics have featured Demon, but probably chapters 2-3 of activation is the fic stands out to me most. Just in general, there's definitely a lot of good fics out there with Demon being a creepy fucker who wants to touch Ken.
#4: millenniumon

While we don't have any legit Millenniumon content in 02, there's hints throughout, as it's his Dark Seed that is embedded in Ken's neck. His Dark SEED. Yeah. Plus, there's loads of content in the Wonderswan games that gives us so many cool ideas of how to use Millenniumon and his giant-ass tongue.

There are so many ways Millenniumon could get brought back to life, using the Seed or time travel or whatever, and after being trapped in Ken's neck for so long, inside the neck of someone he absolutely canonically loathes, you know he is so fucking ready to exact his vengeance on Ken for ruining his attempt to merge with (fuck) Ryou.
The only time I've written Millenniumon touching Ken is in activation, especially chapters 4-5. Okikage's In Our Bedroom After the War also features Millenniumon, and it is excellent!
#3: dagomon

There's nothing quite like a hideous Cthulhu monster, complete with tentacles of course, and his minions who canonically want to impregnate an 11-year-old, someone who, like Ken, is vulnerable to the powers of Darkness and the Dark Ocean. Not to mention, Ken's brain is broke af and he barely remembers going to the Dark Ocean and changing his Digivice to a D-3. And do you think they understand the nuances in human anatomy and the fact that Ken does not have a uterus to provide them with the new offspring they desire?? Why would they?

All of that makes a delicious scenario full of potential trauma for Ken from age 10 onward. WHAT HAPPENED WHILE HE WAS IN THE DARK OCEAN THE FIRST TIME?? AND WHAT HAPPENS IF HE GOES THERE AGAIN? Gimme all the trauma dammit!!!
A lot of fics explore Ken's Dark Ocean traumas like my fic in too deep and chapters 5-9 of activation. I also highly recommend Okikage's Golden Week, especially if you wanna be completely traumatized 👌
#2: oikawa yukio

It feels almost insane to explain this one, folks; it is literally the most obvious scenario considering the scene where Ken is tied up in the back of Oikawa's truck and Oikawa scans his Dark Seed in episode 44 is an incredibly blatant rape metaphor.
Even though Oikawa is being manipulated and controlled by Vamdemon, it is very obvious that Oikawa (and/or Vamdemon) is attracted to Ken and wants to touch him. Despite having Archnemon at his side, Oikawa chooses to tie Ken up with his own scarf instead of using her webs, and despite Oikawa's assertion that scanning the Dark Seed WON'T HURT, Ken obviously experiences a great deal of pain (not necessarily physical, of course), so much so that he passes out. AND WHO KNOWS WHAT HAPPENS WHILE HE'S UNCONSCIOUS?? Not us!!

And that fact that Oikawa has Archnemon and Mummymon, Digimon who were practically Made For Bondage, able to assist him however he desires gives him a lot of power over Ken. While I have zero interest in either of them participating in the non-con (it honestly feels super OOC for both of them), they adore Oikawa and would be more than willing to help tie Ken up if he asked.
I've written a lot of versions of Oikawa wasing Ken (and there are plenty of good fics out there that explore this too), but two stand out: it won't hurt anymore is about Ken dealing with the trauma of Oikawa scanning the back of his neck and really only has non-con vibes; this is basically how I see Ken dealing with the trauma of what canonically happens.
On the other hand, my series the ways you're broken is a canon-divergent story in which Oikawa befriends the Ichijoujis after Osamu's funeral, initially as an explanation of how Oikawa really figured out Ken was a Chosen Child and was able to be manipulated via the Dark Seed and then it just morphed into something increasingly deranged and pure horny 🤷️ I don't make the rules...
#1: vamdemon

To an extent, this is difficult to separate from Oikawa, purely because Vamdemon is the one manipulating and controlling Oikawa for the entirety of 02 so they're practically tied for first place, but Vamdemon is known for preying on pretty humans during his time in Adventure, along with a desire to eat people to obtain their energy.
Vamdemon's need for Ken is linked directly to the Dark Seed and how it enables him to manipulate Ken into taking over the Digital World and building the Dark Towers, and later, he requires the use of Ken's Dark Seed to travel back to the Digital World.

At the end of 02, Vamdemon is defeated, but he's known for coming back again and again, and it's not difficult to imagine he would come back to life yet again (preferably as just plain Vamdemon, not one of his more hideous forms lmao) — and who would he want to utterly destroy upon his return? Daisuke, the boy who singlehandedly turned the fight around and enabled everyone to spoil his plans. It's very easy to imagine Vamdemon capturing, mind-controlling, and playing with Ken in order to exact his revenge AND I AM FUCKING FERAL.
And that doesn't even scratch the surface of what it must have been like to be trapped in Oikawa's body for so long, to have their thoughts and feelings align in certain ways — like, say, Oikawa's attraction to Ken. It must be damn weird for Vamdemon to play with Ken when he no longer has a dick to rape him with...
I basically put all of my feelings about Vamdemon wasing Ken in my 5+1 fic tell me pretty lies, and it's probably one of the best fics I've ever written.