ana's links

Social media


You can ask me anon questions on RetroSpring

You can look at any merch I have for sale on my eBay account or donate to my Ko-fi

My other sites

anatui - anatui's archive scanatui: anime scans by anatui wh0roren - anatui's hororen shrine

affiliates & friends

Daiken/Digimon content

Daiken Miracles (Discord server) Daiken Miracles: a daiken fansite Dead Digimon: Do Not Eat Daiken/AdVerse kink meme 2 hearts become 1 What if Ken was.


fawncon's corner Rotton Girl Gang

Link back to me

You can use either of these images to link back to my site :)

daikenwh0re - anatui's daiken shrine daikenwh0re

references & credits

The hero image is an art piece I commissioned from snout